Why Foster an Animal?
Some of the benefits of fostering include:
- If you’re considering adopting, you can see what the full-time commitment is like by fostering a dog or cat in your home (please note that we request you commit to at least 6 months of fostering before adopting. We can only rescue as many animals as we have foster homes for, so we need committed foster homes on an on-going basis)
- You will have the joy of watching a puppy/kitten play, grow and flourish in your care
- You will teach your children responsibility and care for an animal
- We are very flexible, if you can’t foster for part of the summer or you’re going away, you can take a break and pick back up again when you return
- You as the foster family have the final say in which family adopts the animal (all potential adopters go through a pre-screening)
- You can be directly involved in saving a dog or cat’s life!!